Monday 21 March 2011

What's in a name?

Encouraged by my wife to start a blog on my bird-feeding and bird-watching activities (she does one on her crafting under the name Shabby Dandelion, check it out if you're so inclined!) I thought the perfect title would be a lift from the Mary Poppins song (i.e. feed the birds, tuppence a bag) - but when I tried to use that name as the URL I was told it was already in use (hence the additional "-mm" in my version). Great, I thought, another bird feeding blog. Must check it out before I start mine.

So what is the other "Tuppence-a-bag" about? Legalising cannabis. Which has no posts. I have no problem with anyone arguing for their cause, but why nick a lovely title like that? And then not even use it! Me, I get my highs from watching the birds (and a small amount of alcohol, admittedly), and the after effects are much more pleasant (not from the alcohol, though!).

Of course, having spent over £75 with the RSPB on-line shop for my most recent purchase of bird seed, suet treats and assorted avian nourishment, maybe "tuppence-a-bag" isn't the best choice of name for my blog either, but there it is.

Short first post just to establish the thing, more details of my feeding stations coming soon!