Tuesday 12 April 2011

A Less Picky Goldfinch!

I've always thought of Goldfinches as rather fussy eaters, and that the only way to entice them into your garden was with a nyjer seed feeder (or the right kind of plants and flowers that they eat naturally, like thistles and teasels gone to seed) - so I was very surprised this morning to see one of the pair I've finally convinced to visit my garden eating from the "normal" bird seed feeder that the other finches and tits usually empty on a regular basis. Maybe they're a little less fussy than I've been led to believe? Will keep an eye out to see if one or both of them carries on this way. It's not due to lack of nyjer seed, I filled it up at the weekend!

Meanwhile, I've decided this weekend is D-Day (or should that be P-Day?) for the pigeons, I'm going to take steps involving wire mesh and the like to limit access to my bird tables and ground feed to the smaller species. The pigeons that steal all my feed are fat enough, and there's getting to be a few too many of them too. I have to resort to letting my cats out every so often to scare them off!

Our two cats, by the way, have never been known to catch any birds - I've watched them try and they're too slow! We only let them out when we're around during daylight, so they don't get much opportunity. Recently one of them has developed a taste for mice, but as they're probably the mice that broke into a sack of bird seed in my shed and ate quite a lot of it, I'd say that was one up for the birds.

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